SHARED-HOUSE Free vacation rental ads

Free Booking & Availability Calendar - offers a free booking and availability calendar for holiday/vacation homes and the possibility to publish free rental ads.

The site is aimed at owners of these homes (or rental agencies), and to all others who need to see the schedule and make requests for information or booking/reservation requests (enquiries). This may be for example family or friends of the owners or holiday makers.

What are the benefits of using

Management of the booking calendar:

  • Ability to embed the calendar on your personal website for free. You can embed either the "1 month" version with or without the season's legend (see example on the right) or the "full" version with the contact form (see example below).
  • The calendar is also available as Joomla 3.x, 2.x (take 1.7 version), 1.7, 1.6, 1.5.x or 1.0.x Joomla component. Link to download the component: Joomla 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.x booking calendar , Joomla 1.7 booking calendar , Joomla 1.5 booking calendar , Joomla 1.0 booking calendar . If you wish to embed the full page (6 months) booking calendar and its contact form on your Joomla website, follow this link for the procedure: Joomla availability calendar tutorial.
  • The calendar is also available as a Wordpress plugin. Link to download the plugin: Wordpress Booking Calendar plugin. The tutorial for this plugin is available here. If you wish to embed the full page (6 months) booking calendar and its contact form on your Wordpress website/blog, follow this link for the procedure: Wordpress availability calendar tutorial.
  • It's FREE ... sign-up now!
  • Link to the step-by-step procedure to embed the rental calendar on your site: tutorial
  • Full booking calendar available to authorized individuals only (owner profile).
  • Availability calendar available to authorized persons only (private url, typically for private properties unavailable for rent) or anyone on the Internet (public url, listing published on the site).
  • Definition of seasons (optional).
  • Email request for information form.
  • Management of users with authorization profiles (2 profiles: the owner profile gives access to all functionalities, the simple user profile gives access to availability calendar and allows to create reservation requests).
  • Mail notification to owners when requests for information, reservations or cancellations are raised.
  • Mail notification to requesters when an answer to a request for information, an acceptance or refusal of a reservation request is received.
  • Opportunity (not obligation) to publish an advertisement for the rental of your property on the site.
  • Overview of all your properties and related occupied periods in the private area.
  • Ability to manage multiple properties with a booking calendar for each.


Availabilities overview - Reservation and information request
Booking calendar by
chalet meribel

Placement of free rental ads:

  • It's optional. It is possible to control at any time if the ad is published or not on the Internet.
  • Full description of the accommodation.
  • Automatic translation in French, Spanish, German, Finnish and Dutch (other languages to come).
  • Localization with Googlemap and geographical search engine.
  • Privacy: possibility to keep your personal information (including email) not available to potential renters. The communication is then handled through the site until you decide to disclose your personal data to conclude the transaction.
  • Number of pictures virtually unlimited.
  • It's FREE ... sign-up now or try our demo account before deciding.

Example 2: Full availability calendar with contact form

Free booking calendar by

How to embed the booking calendar from Shared House on your website

Here is the step by step procedure:

1. Create an account: link to the page

2. Confirm your account by clicking on the link contained in the confirmation mail that you will receive, then log onto the site

3. From your private area, start by creating an accomodation. Click on "- Add a housing". Fill-in the form, then save (the button is at the bottom of the page)

4. Back in your private area, click on "Localization". Follow the instructions to save the coordinates of your property

5. Once the coordinates saved, click on "Photos" and upload the pictures of your property (this is optional if you want just the availability calendar and don't need/want to publish a free rental ad on the site )

6. Back in your private area, click on "5 - Webmaster". You will find on this page the HTML code for the 3 versions of the calendar (1 month with seasons legend, 1 month without seasons legend, complete)

7. Choose the version of the reservation calendar that you need, then click on the area containing the appropriate HTML code. Copy the code (CTRL-C or menu Edit -> Copy)

8. Paste (CTRL-V ou menu Edit->Paste) the HTML code on the target page on your site. You need to copy the code in the HTLML code of the target page. Most HTML editors allow to do that

9. As this is a free service, we ask you to add an additional link on you main page (entry page of your site). This code for the link(s) can be found on the same page as the calendar code

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How to embed the full page booking calendar on your Joomla website

Here is the step by step procedure:

1. Create an account: link to the page.

2. Confirm your account by clicking on the link contained in the confirmation mail that you will receive, then log onto the site.

3. From your private area, start by creating an accomodation. Click on "- Add a housing". Fill-in the form, then save (the button is at the bottom of the page).

4. Back in your private area, click on "Localization". Follow the instructions to save the coordinates of your property.

5. Once the coordinates saved, click on "Photos" and upload the pictures of your property (this is optional if you want just the availability calendar and don't need/want to publish a free rental ad on the site).

6. Back in your private area, click on "5 - Webmaster".

7. Choose the version of the reservation calendar called "Code of the version with several months:(540 pixels)", then click on the area containing the appropriate HTML code. Copy the code (CTRL-C or menu Edit -> Copy).

Steps 8 et 9 for Joomla 1.5 : 8. Connect as an administrator to your Joomla website, then go on the "User Manager" page (Menu -> Site -> User Manager).

9. Click on the user you are using ("Administrator" by default), choose option "Editor - No Editor" for parameter "User Editor", then Save.

Steps 8 et 9 for Joomla 1.7 : 8. Connect as an administrator to your Joomla website, then go to menu Site -> global configuration Default editor: select "Editor - none".

9. Then go in the Joomla! Article Manager, click on the Options button. In the Options Dialog, click on the Text Filters tab. For the Super Users group, or any other user group you are using to setup the calendar, set Filter Type to "No Filtering".

10. Go back to the main page (Menu -> Site -> Control Panel), then click on the icon "Add New Article".

11. Paste (CTRL-V ou menu Edit->Paste) the HTML code in the body of the new article, then activate it and save it.

12. As this is a free service, we ask you not to remove the links that are at the bottom of the calendar page, and to add an additional link on your site's main page (entry page of your site). This code for the link(s) can be found on the same page as the calendar code.

13. You can then reset the previous User editor that you use from the User manager page (see point 8).

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How to use the Booking/availability calendar Wordpress plugin

Here is the step by step procedure:

1. Sign-up (free): link to the page.

2. Confirm your account by clicking on the link contained in the confirmation mail that you will receive, then log onto the site.

3. From your private area, start by creating an accomodation. Click on "- Add a housing". Fill-in the form, then save (the button is at the bottom of the page).

4. Back in your private area, click on "Localization". Follow the instructions to save the coordinates of your property.

5. Once the coordinates saved, click on "Photos" and upload the pictures of your property (this is optional if you want just the availability calendar and don't need/want to publish a free rental ad on the site ).

6. Note down the ad number that you just created.

7. If you have not done so already, download the Wordpress Booking Calendar plugin.

8. Connect as an administrator to your Wordpress blog, then install the plugin. From your administrator menu, select Plugins->Add New in the right menu, then click on "Upload". Select the file location, then click on "Install Now".

9. Click on "Activate Plugin" (or activate it through Plugins->Plugins menu).

10. Select Settings->Shared House in the right menu.

11. Enter you ad number (see step 1), select you display language and your type of calendar legend. Then click on "Save Changes".

12. Click on Appearance->Widget in the right menu, and drag and drop the "Shared House calendar" widget where you want to display it.

13. As this is a free service, it will encourage us if you can keep the links that are at the bottom of the calendar page, and if you write about us and add additional(s) link(s) on your site. Code for the suggested link(s) can be found on the same page as the calendar code.

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How to embed the full page booking calendar on your Wordpress blog / website

Here is the step by step procedure:

1. Sign-up for free: link to the page.

2. Confirm your account by clicking on the link contained in the confirmation mail that you will receive, then log onto the site.

3. From your private area, start by creating an accomodation. Click on "- Add a housing". Fill-in the form, then save (the button is at the bottom of the page).

4. Back in your private area, click on "Localization". Follow the instructions to save the coordinates of your property.

5. Once the coordinates saved, click on "Photos" and upload the pictures of your property (this is optional if you want just the availability calendar and don't need/want to publish a free rental ad on the site).

6. Back in your private area, click on "5 - Webmaster".

7. Choose the version of the reservation calendar called "Code of the version with several months:(540 pixels)", then click on the area containing the appropriate HTML code. Copy the code (CTRL-C or menu Edit -> Copy).

8. Connect as an administrator to your Wordpress website, then create a new Post (Menu -> Posts -> Add New).

9. Enter a title, then click on "HTML" in the top right corner of the editor.

10. Paste (CTRL-V ou menu Edit->Paste) the HTML code in the body of the new post, then click on "Publish". Very important: do NOT click on "Save Draft" or "Visual" on the top right corner of the editor. If this doesn't work, you may need to use a plugin to allow iframes on your site. You can contact us for help (email:

11. As this is a free service, it will encourage us if you can keep the links that are at the bottom of the calendar page, and if you write about us and add additional(s) link(s) on your site. Code for the suggested link(s) can be found on the same page as the calendar code.

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